Local, Handmade Holidays

Have you done your holiday shopping? Were you a part of the mad rush this weekend?

I always try to make my gifts very thoughtful and personal. This year my goal is to give 100% handmade or local goods. There are hundreds of reasons why. To name a few: gifts are unique, made with love, and you are supporting small businesses and artists. Thanks to the internet I have many gifts aside from those I find in Germany to bring home.

Some favorite spots to hit online for handmade goodness:

Etsy (duh)
DaWanda (great if you're in Europe because they accept payments in Euro)
1000 Markets
Reform School Rules
Threadless ~ rockin' artist designed T-Shirts

    Looking for a sweet and unique idea for someone you love?  Artist Jess Smart Smiley is offering $20 digital portraits through Dec 11.  You send a photo and he sends you the portrait via digital file to print to your hearts content.    Check out some samples in his Facebook group. I adore all of them.

    Lastly, for you Utahns... don't miss out on the Beehive Bazaar this coming weekend in Provo.  That's right.  Provo.  Loads of handmade goodness from people in the 801.

    The Unlikely Nest on Facebook

    The Unlikely Nest is now on Facebook.  Become a fan, it comes with a number of benefits:
    • Be entered to win a $30 Gift Certificate, redeemable in my online shop.
    • Be invited to special events.
    • Exclusive sales and promotions for Facebook followers.
    • Exclusive giveaways and freebies.
    Spread the word.

    Find The Unlikely Nest on Facebook

    Thanksgiving inspired brunch...the followup

    After expecting eleven guests to my Thanksgiving Brunch, I entertained just one. That's right...ONE. Nearly everyone canceled in the two days previous and one party called me two hours after the table was cleared to apologize for not making it. After I was over my initial shock and sadness I got to work, pouring my whole heart and love into our gemütlich(cozy) little celebration. And seeing as I don't ever host parties here, I am oh~so~excited about it and wanted to share some shots of the details with you. It's not as evolved as a Martha Stewart celebration, but I find it quite charming and hope you do to.

    I love the silver tealight "log" I found for 99¢. It's pretty, sweet, and slightly elegant. And I made some whimsical little blooms out of yarn leftover from previous projects.

    Paying homage to some staples. No pecan pie, but I did set some out to be crushed and sprinkled over our delicious pumpkin pancakes. And I managed to find fresh cranberries here, though they were ridiculously expensive. Aside from the maple-cranberry butter I made some sugared cranberries that sparkle like small jewels a pop delightfully with flavor when bitten into. In fact, excuse me for a moment as I move the bowl of them away from me... I just can't stop.

    The sweet little "happy" tags I found and downloaded from this blog over a year ago. Though now I can no longer find the original post and download. It's a shame as they come with coordinating round tags featuring leaves and acorns that could be used as stickers or to make a garland. Hmmm..

    Oh and the potatoes. The potatoes! Were so delicious. They were sprinkled with tiny bits of butter, sea salt, toasted coriander, and creme fraiche.

    I would say about 99.5% of you didn't know me in my childhood so I think I should clue you in on something. I have always HATED potatoes. As a child I was told I had to try everything. Not clean my plate. Just take a bite of each item offered at the table. And every evening it was a ten minute dramafest as I took the smallest possible bit of potato, maybe the size of a coarse grain of salt on the tip of my fork, looked at it with the most deep and true disgust, eventually putting it into my mouth. What then followed was a series distortions of the face and grunting sounds which would only end when I chased the potato down with half a glass of milk. I can tell you, my heart would still be racing from the stress for many minutes after I had a "try" of the potatoes.

    So back to today...

    A happy face and one huge chunk of potato. I had three servings. And later, at the Christmas Market, I ordered a giant plate of bratkartoffeln (fried potatoes) and cleaned the plate. What do you say? Can I claim "mission accomplished" on integrating fully into Germany?

    Thanksgiving isn't just about the food/meal. It's about the people you spend it with. I am happy that I got to celebrated this Thanksgiving with my rockin' roommate, Anne. She is kind, funny, and easy going. I am thankful to have her around, she always inserts a bit of sunshine into a gray German day. We had a fantastic morning eating then "working it off" by walking through the city for hours and hours. Stopping for my first Gluhwein of the season. :)

    I am thankful for you too, dear readers. Thank you for joining me along the way.

    Thanksgiving inspired brunch

    {click to enlarge}

    Living where I do, my Thanksgiving was spent as any other Thursday is spent which resulted in me being far to exhausted at the end of the day to cook anything remotely resembling a traditional holiday meal. Though I took an opportunity to call family and let them know I was thinking of them.

    I can't pass up an opportunity to bake and cook copious amounts of food. So I am celebrating two days late, this morning, with a Thanksgiving inspired brunch. All the staples have been interpreted and integrated. Sadly, I had (almost) every guest cancel at the last minute last night.. after shopping and preparations were underway, so there are a few more edits in my menu. But have a glance and you'll get the idea.

    I've also made a Thanksgiving playlist. Something mellow enough for a lovely brunch that won't put you to sleep.

    Foreign tongue Alela Diane
    Easier Ane Brun
    As Is Ani DiFranco
    Une Année Sans Lumiére Arcade Fire
    Meet Me Here later Astronautalis
    A Violent yet flammable world Au Reviour Simone
    Guess I’m Doing Fine Beck
    Ali’s waltz Beth Orton
    My Love The Bird and The Bee
    Radar Catherine Feeny
    Esplendor Cibelle
    Todo des deloroes Devendra Barnhart
    Hold heart Emiliana Torrini
    My Love Is Holly Golighthly
    Black Mountain Isobel Campbell
    Heart of Glass Nouvelle Vague
    L’absente Olivia Ruis

    Calendar Winners...

    In the end there were only two entries for the custom printable calendar. So, drumroll please...
    Chantal... Karen... You both win!! I will contact you by email. Have a look at my photos on Flickr and choose twelve you really like. I look forward to collaborating and making your calendars.

    I really enjoy keeping up this blog and love it when you stop by for a visit. My premade calendar printables are still in the sidebar for download for everyone else....

    WE: If you were small and pretty and would look good sealed in a mason jar, what would you be?

    My answer...

    an acorn, originally uploaded by Trazy.

    This weeks question was stolen from a friends facebook status. I loved it so ran off with it. Thanks Curtis!

    The Weekend Exposure Project is a weekly community event, sharing thoughts through imagery. Read about the Weekend Exposure Project and play along.

    Yarn Bowls

    I have noticed these popping up here and there and think they are adorable.

    Can anyone tell what color I am drawn to today?

    Attention: One more day to enter my drawing for a FREE custom photo calendar printable. There's only one entry so far, so your chances are outstanding!


    I know I am supposed to be counting down to Christmas, but this year I have decided to use my advent calendar to countdown to when I get to go home for Christmas. So guess what... I get to start tomorrow! Just twenty five days before I get to board a plane and see the place and people I so love and miss. This will be the first time I am in Salt Lake as a visitor rather than resident. It's all so very strange and exciting.

    This year my advent calendar is an assortment of teas. One tea for each day. There's Winter Night, Green Luck, Ginger Energy, and Good Mood to name a few. What a comforting way to countdown....

    What are you looking forward to?

    Music Monday: Evolution

    I should have known that a blissful weekend of warmth and blue skies would not go unpunished. I woke up to a wall of rain and it shows no sign of letting up. Riding through the rain I spent most of my afternoon slightly damp from the endeavor only to be finally dry just as it was time to ride back through it again. I am still cold, a bit tired, fighting off a potential migraine... so what am I doing in front of the computer? Right. I should go nurse myself back to health and happiness. In the meantime, I will leave you with this tune by The Cinematic Orchestra, a jazz/electronic group who have lovely music. And it's a bit of a break from the singer-songwriters I usually post up here. Just click "play" over in the sidebar to listen while you read. Happy Monday all. I am off to get cozy with some tea, music, and crochet.

    REMINDER: Just a few days left to enter to WIN a free custom photo calendar. Just post a comment on this post here to enter to win.

    We are the champions!

    I have to give a HOLLA to my hometown. Yesterday our pro football (soccer) team took the MLS Cup over LA Galaxy. Did anyone ever believe that it would be them that won a national title before the Utah Jazz?

    So, congrats Real Salt Lake. And thank you for giving my rockin' hometown a bit more street cred on this side of the pond. It needs it.

    November Light

    Our weekend has been blessed with blue skies and unusually warm weather. As I walked about the city yesterday I was attracted by the late autumn light. I hope your weekend is equally as enchanting. The above photo tickles me as it looks like a giant stack of gifts.

    The approaching of the Weihnachtsmarkt

    For me, the Christmas season just doesn't start until after Thanksgiving. But walking in the city today I just couldn't help but get excited at the preparation for the Christmas Markets. They open MONDAY!!! I am nothing less than thrilled.

    Holiday Shopping at The Unlikely Nest

    All orders placed in the shop through December 15th receive free worldwide shipping! I will be adding some items this weekend to build up my inventory so keep checking in. I am open to custom orders as well if you see something in my sold items you fancy. Just convo me. :)

    The joy of einkaufen*

    Going to the supermarket here is an event. I have commented before on the prices here. I still get shocked and excited, though, to see what I will find when go shopping. The chocolate bar above was a funny find last week. It's quite shocking how many "staples" one can't find, but there is a never ending assortment of tongue, aspic terrine, veggie and cheese impregnated wurst as well as snow shovels (it doesn't snow here), light fixtures, cat doors and bookcases. A German supermarket is a sight to be seen. If you have a moment and want a laugh stop over at the German Supermarket Anger Management Group on Facebook and have a look at the photos. Some of the gems: canned cheeseburger, beer flavored chips, and pineapple sauerkraut. Mmmm......

    *Einkaufen~ shopping

    Vegan Chai Cupcakes

    These cupcakes are moist and have such a fantastic flavor! I topped them with Vanilla Buttercream Frosting, so they aren't actually vegan, but you can search for a vegan buttercream recipe on your own if you are. I also found these fantastic coffee bean shaped chocolate-mocha bits. Totally cute not to mention delicious on top of these cupcakes.

    I am out of eggs but was craving something spicy, soft, and sweet. I haven't tried a lot of vegan baking, but I haven't often had success when I do. Usually, that is, when it is something like a cake that usually uses eggs as a binding agent. Many recipes call for egg replacer and, seeing as I am not actually vegan, that is not something I am going to go out looking for. If I have eggs on hand, I use them. If not, I seek out alternative recipes. This one, however, was a great success. I found the recipe a long time ago and haven't noted where, so I am afraid I can't give credit. But here it is for your enjoyment. I made a few small changes from the original. Recipe after the jump......

    Vegan Chai Cupcakes
    makes 12 cupcakes

    1 cup soy milk or vanilla soy milk
    3 or 4 black tea bags
    1 tsp apple cider vinegar
    1 1/4 cups flour
    2 tsp cornstarch
    3/4 tsp baking powder
    1/2 tsp baking soda
    2 tsp ground cinnamon
    1 tsp ground cardamom
    1/4 tsp ground cloves
    1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
    3/4 cups sugar
    1/3 cup canola oil
    2 tsp vanilla extract

    1. Preheat oven to 375°F
    2. Heat soy milk and steep tea bags for 10 minutes. Discard tea bags. Whisk in vinegar and let sit a few minutes until curdled.
    3. In a large bowl stir together all dry ingredients (Flour through sugar).
    4. Add soy milk, oil, and vanilla to dry ingredients. Mix until blended.
    5. Pour batter into 12 muffin cups, filling 2/3 full. Bake 20-22 minutes on 375°F or until pick inserted comes out clean. Cool completely on wire rack before icing.


    • I used 3 teabags and, instead of steeping them in the milk, cut the bags and added the tea to the flour mixture.
    • I have made these with regular milk before to great success.
    • I didn't use any cornstarch as it's not available here (that I know of) and just added 2 Tbsp flour instead.
    • I added 1/2 tsp anise and 1/4 tsp ginger to the mix because I am a sucker for both.
    • The mixture will be very runny. Don't follow any impulses to add more flour. I did and they turned out slightly tough. They would have been perfect otherwise.
    • Once cooled, top with a vanilla buttercream icing or it's vegan alternative, of course. YUM.


    Photo Credit Wikipedia

    How long have I lived in Germany now? Well over a year, right? Nineteen months, you say?!?! Oh. So I should know by now? I'll get to that in a minute...

    I really love wine, but haven't been drinking it much since I have gotten here. I just feel, well, too uneducated. There are the different varieties of wine and regions to deal with. And then there has been the language and I am just to shy and embarrassed to ask anyone about it. I occasionally stroll the isles wanting to sample wines from Germany, but I know that what they are best at is Riesling and I much prefer red wine. I was really getting into Pinot Noir while in the states so I look out for it occasionally with absolutely no success. Pinot Grigio? It's everywhere. But no Noir.

    And now we arrive at this evening. I picked up a decently priced bottle of red wine on my way home, and chose it because I was curious of the variety. "Schwarzriesling" or Black Riesling is what it's called. And I like it A LOT! So curiosity got the best of me and I decided to look it up. And I'll be damned!! Schwarzreisling=Pinot Noir. All this time I just had to ask. And even better news... it's the red wine that Germany does best! This situation, though belated, is a big Win.

    I also adore the name of the Winery: Laufferner Katzenbeisser. Katzenbeisser= Cat biter

    2010... are you prepared?

    Last year I created a printable calendar highlighting some lovely sights around Münster. I had a grand time choosing the images and have decided to make another one for 2010. Of course, my second year abroad has been a bit more eventful in the area of traveling. So this year has some highlights from Berlin, London, Scotland, and Ireland, and Salzburg. Choosing just 12 images was entirely too difficult so I made TWO calendars.

    The first is a desktop calendar, sized to fit into a cd jewel case cover. The second can be framed, bound, or hung individually as you wish. You can decide which you like best. Just download the PDF (links are in the sidebar>>>) and print onto heavy white cardstock (two months per page). Below are the images used in each (click on image for larger view):

    Contest Giveaway
    And there's more! One lucky winner can choose their favorite twelve images from my Flickr pool. to be added to the calendar of their choice (jewel case or regular) and the font and font color of their choice. There are loads of great photos of architecture, nature, historical sites, and graffitti from my travels to choose from. Don't want the custom calendar for yourself? Enter anyway and you have a lovely give to give.

    How: Leave a comment on this post.
    When: Comments open through Thanksgiving (November 26th). A winner will be randomly selected and announced November 27th.
    What better way to launch the holiday shopping season that getting something for free? Please leave a way for me to contact you with your entry (a link or email address) or I will be forced to select another winner. All past winners on my blog are very much invited to enter for this contest as well.

    *Reminder... this is a printable. I don't send you a finished product. But why is this so great? You can print loads of them to give as gifts. Simple, convienient, and gunstig!*

    gunstig~ inexpensive

    Music Monday: The Big Sleep

    For a while I was acquiring a lot of new, and new to me, music. But I haven't been in the loop lately. Not that it matters too much as I have loads of music to draw from. Hopefully I occasionally share something you haven't already heard. This song by Bat for Lashes would have been much better suited for Halloween week on account of it's dark topic. But I find it lovely all the same and hope you do as well.

    I think this will be my last song to add to this playlist. Next week will start a new one. So if you haven't yet, press play in the sidebar and hear all the lovely songs I have posted this autumn while perusing the rest of the blog. And for future reference you can always follow this link to hear the entire playlist. Enjoy.

    model citizen

    Before moving to Germany I played dress up one afternoon with my friend Teresa Flowers and she took some photos with her Holga camera. She has now posted a few from that shoot on her website, Sleepictures. Just click on photographs and holga and you are sure to see them. I wish I was a more confident model to do her photographs justice.... her work is stunning and I feel honored that a few of me made it onto her site. Aside from her photography she also does dreamy paintings which she uses to create belts, necklaces, and clothing. You may remember a little adventure when my belt when to the market.

    Check out her Etsy shop. If you are lucky enough to live in Utah visit her booth at the Beehive Bazaar in Provo, Dec 3-5, or at any of these boutiques/galleries in Salt Lake City:

    Frosty Darling
    Blue Cockatoo
    Coda Gallery (Park City)
    Phillips Gallery

    say "good morning, autumn": Banana Cinnamon Pancakes

    Photo originally found here, uploaded from Flickr by Hungry Hungry

    The colder weather has moved in, nearly all trees are bare, and the sky is always some variation of grey. I am prone to nest in general, but the present weather is turning me even more especially inwards. I am reading more, drinking lots of tea, crocheting, and am very inspired to cook, cook, cook. This blog may begin featuring more and more recipes in the coming months as a result.

    I used to make Banana-Cinnamon Waffles all the time. Usually I would make a double batch when I had some overripe bananas then wrap and freeze all the extras for a much healthier and tastier alternative to an Eggo waffle. These are sweet, nutty, moist, and ohsovery delicious! I was lucky enough to find some maple syrup here in the American foods section. Labeled on the back, of course, with "Product of Canada". I don't have a waffle iron here, but the recipe works just as well for pancakes. The perfect autumn pancake, I would say. Even my roommates, who are skeptical of a fluffy American pancake, raved. Recipe after the jump...

    If you don't have whole wheat or buckwheat flour on hand, just substitute all-purpose flour... though I don't recommend it if you can help it. They lend a nutty flavor to the pancakes as well as some added health benefits. Don't let the word "healthy" throw you off though, these are far from drab.

    Banana-Cinnamon Waffles/Pancakes

    Makes about 16 Waffles

    1 cup all-purpose flour
    1/2 cup whole wheat flour
    1/4 cup buckwheat flour
    1/4 cup ground flaxseed
    2 tablespoons sugar
    1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
    1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1 1/2 cups fat-free milk
    3 tablespoons butter, melted
    2 large eggs, lightly beaten
    1 large ripe banana, mashed
    Cooking spray

    Lightly spoon flours into dry measuring cups; level with a knife. Combine flours, flaxseed, and next 4 ingredients (through salt) in a medium bowl, stirring with a whisk.

    Combine milk, butter, and eggs, stirring with a whisk; add milk mixture to flour mixture, stirring until blended. Fold in mashed banana.

    Preheat a waffle iron. Coat iron with cooking spray. Spoon about 1/4 cup batter per 4-inch waffle onto hot waffle iron, spreading batter to edges. Cook 3 to 4 minutes or until steaming stops; repeat procedure with remaining batter.

    Recipe originally found in Cooking Light, May 2005

    WE: What's your favorite comfort food?

    My answer...

    Beef Daube Provencal, originally uploaded by buyo.

    The Weekend Exposure Project is a weekly community event, sharing thoughts through imagery. Read about the Weekend Exposure Project and play along.

    Die Deutsche Einheit

    Without so much as a mention from any one I know, and without any kind of celebration or ceremony (at least in Münster), today marked 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. I would have gone through the day completely oblivious had I not previously marked it in my calendar. My roommate was raised in East Germany and it will sometimes come up in conversations what it was like. It amazes me that the world was so just twenty years ago. I came across this while over at Quoteskine today:"Many small people, in many small places, can do many small things that would change the face of the world."
    And then there are a few images from my trip to Berlin in May:

    Me at the East Side Gallery in Berlin, a 1.3 km stretch of the wall left standing.

    The Reichstag, or Parliament Building in Berlin.

    The Potsdamer Platz subway station. During the Cold War it was essentially a wasteland and has been built up since reunification. It's not only a major traffic thoroughfare, but is full of shopping, restraunts, and offices.

    Perhaps the most beloved symbol from the DDR.

    An apartment building which bordered the wall.

    Music Monday: Gewinner

    I haven't introduced new music for a while. I will welcome back Music Monday with a song from Clueso, one of the more famous artists in Germany right now. And, unlike most German singer songwriters, I actually like his music. Too often songs in German just don't sound right. And cheesy. Of course, I would love to hear your opinion, those of you that don't speak and hear German daily. What do you think? I quite like this song, Gewinner. Though it's an ohrworm and I have been singing it now for days on end.

    WE: What inspires you daily?

    My answer...

    CEILING PAINTING 1966, originally uploaded by Yoko Ono official.

    The Weekend Exposure Project is a weekly community event, sharing thoughts through imagery. Read about the Weekend Exposure Project and play along.

    risen from the depths

    Hellooooo. My absence has been a combined result of voluntary seclusion and technical difficulties. But I am back online now... physically, socially, mentally, and technologically. I am not a fan of back tracking, catching up. But let's say that the weeks I have been amiss have been hugely transformative, though subtely so. It has been weeks full of one epiphany after another. These "aha" moments couldn't be more timely. I am loving the life I have created, love where I am at.

    A handful of randomness from the time of my absence:

    My daily commute has been divine. I much prefer the path along the canal to the busy sidewalk along one of the main traffic arteries into/out of the city.

    I am flirting with girly-ness and made a lovely new asymmetrical ruffly cloche. It's a bit over the top for my usual day to day fashion of jeans and a t-shirt, but I am slowly falling in love with it. I am determined to own more of my femininity.

    Random, and hilariously clad, samba group playing as we sat for coffee one Sunday afternoon on the Harbor.

    Before the leaves turned and the cold came in, I retreated to the woods, on the hunt for moss. I harvested a bit and made a few little bowls to set about the house. Surely I can keep moss alive...

    What have you been up to?

    What am I Saying?