Adventure on the Range-Repost

This post is originally from October 7th that was on my myspace page, something I am trying to distance myself from.....

I spent a good portion of my day on a shooting range. Not a place I ever imagined hanging out, the day turned out to be more enjoyable than I was convincing myself it would be. Life is all about perception and attitude, right? I didn't shoot at all, don't know if I ever will. A big part of that is fear. What if I like it? I am afraid of that form of "power". Guns can be such a scary thing. I feel about guns, and my views about them could be one huge blog by itself. The point is that I had a wonderful time.

The range was at Browning in Mountain Green, just east of Ogden. It was so beautiful up there. Just chilly enough for my favorite sweatshirt, scarf, and new belt by Teresa Flowers. Her name is "Giraffe Girl".

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We started off the day with two games/drills called skeet and trap. I got to push the buttons on the thrower to release the clay pigeons. Fun actually. I got most excited when one was hit and four pieces when flying in all different directions. I kept trying to get a photo of it, but I could never follow it fast enough nor zoom in enough to make a difference.

Next we headed over to the range and shot rifles. Well, I observed the boys shooting rifles. Again, disturbingly enjoyable. Starting off with AK-47, then a German WWII gun called a Mauser (I am guessing on the spelling, please forgive if I am wrong). I really liked some of the details of wood and metal so took these pictures:

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After a while I did zone out a bit, no longer having the job of launching the clay pigeons, so started geeking out and took some silly photos, here are three:

When all was said and done we spent at least three hours out there. The air was fresh and we were well below the snow line. Looking at the mountains and seeing the contrast of red leaves through white snow was enough to justify the trip. Not to mention that I got to spend some time with Ryan this weekend and his brother. I love glimpsing into his life. I smile.

My fave of Ryan and Todd:

Oh! And I adopted a sexy new look:

Here are a few more from the day. The 200 yard mark:

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Who throws away a deer head?

Uh, High Voltage!

Best for last:

Who's B?

Who's B?

B is me, Amanda Howland, liver and lover of life extraordinare. At twenty-seven I decided it was time to leave the one place I had known as home for an adventure and challenge in Münster, Germany. When asked why I moved the only answer that fits is, "because I wanted to." For nearly ten years I dreamed of moving here and for no obvious reasons at all. And it took me some time, but eventually I learned to follow impulses of the heart. So I gathered up my guts, sold nearly all earthly belongings, and stuffed the rest into a backpack and suitcase. This adventure has been both more exciting and more difficult than I could have ever imagined. I am redefining, or maybe just beginning to define, what coming home means to me.

What is B Chronicling?

The adventures of my life and the people I meet along the way. Observations, maybe even a judgement or two at times. Inspirations... from movement, music, objects, images and more. The big and small learnings that come with change. A little hodge podge of all those elements that make up a life of B.

I am hoping to use this blog, not just to keep in touch with the family and friends of my past, but to establish and grow a community of like minded creative and conscious people.

What does a B do?

I dance, bake, create, ride my bike and lay in the park for my spirit. I also enjoy asking important questions.

What am I Saying?