Music Therapy

So for the last two weeks I have been looking forward to a show by one of my favorite bands, Fujiya & Miyagi.  My plans were thwarted this morning when my stomach took revenge on me for who knows what.  I will spare most details but let us just say that my face is now covered in red "freckles" from some burst capillaries caused by the pressure my face was under in the bathroom.  

I began to feel better towards the end of the evening and, going against all advice that would be given to me by mothers, grandmothers, and health care providers, I ventured out.  Why?  Because I just really didn't want to miss this show.  Because I have been wanting to see them live... forever.  And because, sometimes, you just gotta dance.  I went cautiously and survived to tell the tale.  Hooray for live music!!!

The show pretty much rocked, though what I originally planned on being a larger group turned into me along with my roommate and her face sucking boyfriend.  Where are her burst capillaries?

As the last tune they played one of my favorites, Collarbone, which I will continue to feature in the sidebar for a few more days. ------------>

Off to sleep and recover.  I am grateful to my body for behaving tonight so that I could carry out my plans.

Just for You

Hi.  You read my blog.  You show up for me and are a part of my life.  So if you are interested I would like to offer you a little somethin-somethin.  For all orders placed between now and Monday, December 1 you can get free shipping from my little online shop.  Here's what you do:

1.  Visit the Unlikely Nest on Etsy.
2.  Place your order.
3.  Add "BChronicles" in the note to seller.
4.  Your shipping charges will be refunded to you prior to shipment.

It is one small way I can say "Thank You" for joining me on my journeys.

WE: What are you thankful for?

IF - Communication, originally uploaded by DRA Studio.

If you would like to participate in Weekend Exposure or are curious about it just click that mouse right here.

Happy Thanksgiving!

One piece joy, one piece crazy

First comes a warning.  A warning that although this is in fact a real update, it does not mean I can get back to regular posting or emailing.  I really don't wish to bore or confuse you with the details, but let's just say that I never thought it would be more difficult to get a new phone and internet service than to legally emigrate to a new country.

First of all....we won, we won!  It was a strange and exciting experience to be abroad during the election, and most specifically during THIS election.  In a way the process felt a bit more relaxed as it wasn't in my face each day.  It is quite easy to check out of the news when it is not in your language.  However, the last few weeks leading up to it, it seemed as though it was all anyone would like to discuss with me.  And, me being the only American acquaintance, I became their personal election expert.  There were many times when I just wanted it to be over so I wouldn't get a grilling each time I came into a room.  I even had a story written about me in the local newspaper.  With a giant photo.  That's right.  It was a fluff piece, and I was rather amused at being asked.  I really laughed when the suggestion for the interview location was Starbucks.  Interested in seeing the article?  My roommate scanned it for me so if you wish just click here and it should open up for you.  Hehe.

Election night I had the intention of staying up to hear the result but only made it until 3/3:30 a.m. before crashing.  When looking at BBC's result before dashing off to class I was shot with adrenaline and excitement despite the lack of sleep, and later that night when watching Obama's acceptance speech I cried tears of joy.  I am thankful to Obama for the campaign he ran and that he was able to reflect back to the American people their own strengths.  I am grateful to the American people for standing up and believing in themselves.  

The same tears of joy came again three days later when I saw the thousands of people in Salt Lake protesting the passing of Prop 8.  Salt Lake.  As in Utah.  Protesting a gay marriage ban.  Does it get more beautiful?  I am skeptical and hopeful about how long people can sustain their new found hope and their re-found voices.  

And enough about the election already, right?  More is happening in the world than that....

Aside from the pre- and post-election madness I have created a bit of drama in my life.  I have stated often that this move has been more difficult than I ever imagined it being, to the extend of sometimes asking myself why I came in the first place.  But there is a problem with imagining things and the reality of things and that is where the drama enters the picture.  I don't wish to get into knitty gritty details, but I can and will say this about it.  Germany always stood out for me as this thing I would do one day when I was finally ready and strong enough to take the independent leap.  It was the one big thing that was MINE that I would accomplish.  And I have kept that story with me and it has bumped up against the fact that I didn't come alone but with Ryan.  And if you don't know me then let me just tell you that I am stubborn.  Like, really stubborn, control freak crazy.  Sometimes.  I have put Ryan through the ringer with some of my little games.  He is such a sport.  Really, I am not sure where he comes from but he can deal with me.  Today, in response to my question, "Why do you even want to be with me?" he kindly directed me here to explain it all.  What I really love is that despite anything that comes up I am always able to work with him through whatever is happening with a spirit of fun and laughter.  

I am challenged here and sometimes entertain the thought of running home and just escaping all that is difficult.  I know, though, that if I rise to the occasion this will be the biggest and best learning experience of my life to date.  And I believe my story of this being my independent move is true.  But not in the fact that I have to do it alone.  But in the fact that is was only when I could do it alone, when I didn't need anything or anyone, was I able to do this for myself.   I appreciate that I have removed myself so far from my comfort zone that I really have no choice but to grow or perish.

So that is where I am at.  Today, I am committed to learning more about myself and finding balance in this seemingly chaotic place for me.

I don't know if I will have internet or not for the next week.  My hope is yes.

Winter has arrived, I commuted home today on an icy path, a first for me on my bike.  The leaves have all fallen and the cobblestone street was dusted with snow this morning.  The Christmas Markets have officially opened today and if this cold persists tomorrow I will invite myself to my first experience of Glühwein and Lebkuchen in the Old City.

I miss home, all my friends and family.  As Thanksgiving approaches I hold each of you close in my heart.  I intend to celebrate in my own special way.  Know that I love and appreciate each of you in my life.  Thank you for stopping by my blog and sending the occasional emails, it is wonderful to know you are all there.


A Song for You: Collarbone

Totally fun, geeky, and dancable music is coming to Münster! I was walking on cloud nine the day I saw Fujiya & Miyagi on the bill at a local club. This is a favorite band of mine. I had planned on eventually making it to London to visit my friend Eve and catch a show....but they are coming to me. I miss going to live shows and artists that I know and love don't make it to my little city. So in anticipation and excitement I share with you this fun tune......

Transparent Things
Fujiya & Miyagi

Getting Connected

The phone and internet contract for my flat was up this month and we decided to get a faster and cheaper service. While that sounded like a great idea to begin with, it has now turned into a bit of a nightmare. First, we had to go two weeks with no internet. We bummed off the WLAN from the upstairs neighbor but could never get my computer to connect to the network meaning I have been stealing off with my roommates computer or riding into the city to hunt down a cafe with free internet. Additionally, we have had no phone service so I have been more or less disconnected from communicating with the outside world. Our new service was supposed to start Tuesday, for some reason we had to wait two weeks between the old and new services, but when it came down to it nothing happened. We are still without phone and internet and it's a bother. So that is where I am at. I would love to share all that is going on here, changes are happening, but it will just have to wait until I can really sit down and write about it without a time crunch.

Have a beautiful weekend.

WE: What have you done right this week?

124/365 listen, originally uploaded by cakeybabes.

Want to play along? Read all about Weekend Exposure here.

WE: What have you let fall by the wayside?

Silence Reveals Where We are, originally uploaded by T1855.

Want to play along? Read all about Weekend Exposure here.

WE: What are you proud of?

Find out more about the Weekend Exposure Project here.

What am I Saying?