Local, Handmade Holidays

Have you done your holiday shopping? Were you a part of the mad rush this weekend?

I always try to make my gifts very thoughtful and personal. This year my goal is to give 100% handmade or local goods. There are hundreds of reasons why. To name a few: gifts are unique, made with love, and you are supporting small businesses and artists. Thanks to the internet I have many gifts aside from those I find in Germany to bring home.

Some favorite spots to hit online for handmade goodness:

Etsy (duh)
DaWanda (great if you're in Europe because they accept payments in Euro)
1000 Markets
Reform School Rules
Threadless ~ rockin' artist designed T-Shirts

    Looking for a sweet and unique idea for someone you love?  Artist Jess Smart Smiley is offering $20 digital portraits through Dec 11.  You send a photo and he sends you the portrait via digital file to print to your hearts content.    Check out some samples in his Facebook group. I adore all of them.

    Lastly, for you Utahns... don't miss out on the Beehive Bazaar this coming weekend in Provo.  That's right.  Provo.  Loads of handmade goodness from people in the 801.

    1 comment:

    jess smart smiley said...

    Awwww...thanks, B. Thanks for spreading the love :)

    What am I Saying?