Proving a Point

One bottle = 2,25€ = $3.14

Today I went into the city to do a few errands and stupidly mistook the clear sky as a safe bet, leaving the house without any rain gear. You'd think I'd have learned by now. As I was just about finished the sky opened up into a downpour so I took refuge in Karstadt, a big department store, until it had passed. Exploring their grocery area I found the "American" food section and thought I would share with you the ridiculous prices on some of the items.

8 Toaster Pastries = 6,49€  = $9.04

Cooking Spray = 6,79€ = $9.46

10 Tortillas= 3,49€ = $4.86

10 oz. Can Clam Chowder = 3,99€ = $5.56

And Oreo's? Yes, I can find them here but they were on SALE for 1,99€ ($2.77). For 10!

Lebensmittel ~ foodstuff
teuer ~ expensive
der Regen ~ rain
Kaufhaus ~ department store
angebote ~ an offer, a deal


Lucy said...

You'd have to be pretty homesick to pay those prices. Although when I was first here I kept paying 4 euros for english tea bags. (They cost 80c at home!)

balanced. said...

Yikes! I though it was bad here in Ireland. :P

What am I Saying?