Everyone speaks English here. Really. And there are times when I go into a place armed and ready with the German phrases necessary for the situation at hand only to be answered in English because of the detected accent. Frustraating. It would be very easy, I think, to stay and not really learn German. Knowing just enough to get by. Younger Germans, especially, enjoy practicing English so finding friends is no problem.
But I feel like I can't communicate freely with Germans. While I can get my point across I feel like it is never fully expressed. And my sarcasm is never understood. I am so NOT FUNNY here, completely uninteresting. Last week I met a Canadian couple and shocked myself at how well I could keep up a conversation. It is so much easier when I don't have to slow it down or fish for an alternate word. And I especially like not having to say, "Never mind," all the time. I could seek out other native speakers to create my community, but that kind of defeats the purpose of a move to Germany.
So here I am, very ready to tackle a language that is complicated and feels like cotton balls in my cheeks when speaking. I am ready because I know the key to creating the kind of friendships I want rely on being able to communicate clearly and I know that having a community of people to share with is what creates a sense of Home, not the space I live in. I am ready to make a home here.
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