What's with the three-six-five?

Everywhere I look there are 365 projects. Each day a new self portrait, piece of artwork, a list, a favorite song. I know why I am drawn to them and imagine there are others who participate that share my view. My needs to sustain my life:

1. Food & Water
2. Breath
3. Love
4. Creativity

There is beauty in the commitment to doing something creative for myself each day. That's one reason I started my Weekend Exposure Project (okay, I know that's weekly) and why I was instantly drawn to the Grace in Small Things project.  It thrills me each day and week I get to sit down and and ask my heart what wants to come out.

Here are two other 365/52 projects that I have come across that I simply adore.  

Firstly, The Lunch Box Project.  Lisa Ogler is an artist and designer and started this project as an outlet of multiple loves of food, art, and journaling.  She posts a little drawing each day inspired by some bit of food that has crossed her path.  They are simple and sweet and occasionally funny.  My recent favorite being "Strawberry Soup" which I read just before going off to work where I actually saw a box of strawberry soup. Yep.

Copywrite Lisa Orgler

Second, Cassie & Stacy are friends living on opposite coasts creatively staying connected each week by choosing a topic and taking a photo based on this.  The results are posted as diptychs on the blog.  Some of them complimentary and some contradicting.  It is an idea that especially resonates with me since I am so far away from all my friends. They are six weeks in and I can't wait to see what comes up next week for them.

Copywrite Cassie&Stacy

I'll close it off with todays list of grace:

1. a stroke of serendipity that knows no distance.
2. getting "lost" and realizing that it's always when I am lost that I am found.
3. sending off surprises.
4. laughing outloud.
5. pony.

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