Today I managed to start and finish my
first second ever complicated crochet project. Complicated in that in is not a square or rectangular object in which the same stitch is repeated row after row. My mom gave me a crochet primer just one week before leaving for Germany so I am quite proud of my accomplishment. I will probably be making more of these hand warmers, these ones are made from a pattern purchased
here. There are elements I like but the fit is not prime so I will be messing around to make the PERFECT little glovelettes. Not that I need multiple pairs, but it's just too fun not to make more. More colors, more buttons, more ruffles. And all the possible variations. I am having a fun time indeed geeking out and getting creative.
Finally! For some reason, the comments page was just not opening up for me. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I like these. Good color combination. Are those mother of pearl buttons? Also, I'm impressed, for about a year, all I ever managed was the cuff sleeve of a sweater and THAT with professional instructors guiding me. Just goes to show that when there's talent there's a way. ;-) As my kid would say: Git jab!
Thank you. Let's just say the buttons are inspired by mother of pearl. For some reason I couldn't find the real thing. These are painted on the back.
I am actually very excited because even though I am decent at many crafts, crochet just seems to make sense to me. I am glad I finally found it. I would like to learn to knit also but am, admittedly, intimidated by the thought.
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