
So often in this world I feel helpless, without a voice. Or a voice not "significant enough" to be heard or to make a difference. Each day I listen to the news and feel like the kind of world I am interested in living in is doomed. We are so far down the rabbit hole that returning home or to at least some sort of normalcy seems improbable.
With that said, I love election day. Love. It. Voting always leaves me feeling empowered and hopeful in the larger world community. Although that feeling often fades rapidly, especially in Utah where the political climate is often grim for those with my views. Despite my candidates or causes not always coming out with the "win" I appreciate that people are willing to give the voice they are given in the process. Simply saying my piece, to the universe and the voting powers that be, is exciting. Knowing that I have asked the universe for what I want. Knowing and asking for what I want always seems to be the hardest part for me. I finally took of my "I Voted" sticker today, only because it was falling off. Tuesday....a day I was proud to be where I am at.

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