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I can't pass up an opportunity to bake and cook copious amounts of food. So I am celebrating two days late, this morning, with a Thanksgiving inspired brunch. All the staples have been interpreted and integrated. Sadly, I had (almost) every guest cancel at the last minute last night.. after shopping and preparations were underway, so there are a few more edits in my menu. But have a glance and you'll get the idea.
I've also made a Thanksgiving playlist. Something mellow enough for a lovely brunch that won't put you to sleep.
Foreign tongue Alela Diane
Easier Ane Brun
As Is Ani DiFranco
Une Année Sans Lumiére Arcade Fire
Meet Me Here later Astronautalis
A Violent yet flammable world Au Reviour Simone
Guess I’m Doing Fine Beck
Ali’s waltz Beth Orton
My Love The Bird and The Bee
Radar Catherine Feeny
Esplendor Cibelle
Todo des deloroes Devendra Barnhart
Hold heart Emiliana Torrini
My Love Is Holly Golighthly
Black Mountain Isobel Campbell
Heart of Glass Nouvelle Vague
L’absente Olivia Ruis
Sounds super delicious, lovely, and classy--as is your wont. Thanks for sharing with us.
Thanks Sarah. Of all the people I know, you are at the very top of my list of those I would love to co-host a dinner party with. I dig your style.
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