Proof that I have been ohsoverynice.

In less than three months I am flying back to Salt Lake for a three week visit. I am (overly?) excited for a great number of reasons, the most obvious being that I get to hang with my family and friends. During the holidays, no less. There are numerous other reasons to get excited which results in me making lists.... stuff I want to do, see, make, and who I want to experience these things with. I also have my christmas stocking wish list. That's right. And one of the top items on the list, without me having so much as whispered it in my mom's presence, was sent to me today. Burt's Bees lipbalm! And in three different varieties. It's my absolute favorite and is sold nowhere here, that I have found. Thanks mom for the most perfect gift. Now I get to make a few more cozies. Geekery at it's finest, people. See, dear readers, it is really the small things in life that just make me swoon.

Oh! And on a related note: Cheddar Cheese! I think I drove my family batty on our vacation as all I could talk about when we got to the supermarket was cheddar cheese. Was it on our list? How big of a block did you get? Will that be enough? And then I proceeded to make a cheese sandwich each day. It's not that the cheese here isn't good... it's just, well, boring. I love cheese that's sharp and has a distinction about it. Enough of this sissy Edamer, Gouda, and Butterkase. Blech. So today I was browsing the isles of a seldom visited super store and found aged cheddar. Woot.

And one last, and only barely related note. For a bit of time wasting go play this silly game: Cheese or Font. Can you tell the difference?

1 comment:

Lara said...

I am looking forward to your visit. :)

What am I Saying?