MM: Living Room

This weeks Music Monday is brought to you by: Wednesday

Part of the wonder of Edinburgh was the utter madness that was the Fringe Festival. My stay was far too short, but in the first 20 minutes in the city I was handed a free ticket to see the duo Living Room. The show was simply divine and I am kicking myself for not purchasing the cd. They are made up of bass clarinetist Christoph "Pepe" Auer and hang drum player Manu Delago. The combination of the two instruments is mesmerizing. I can't find any track aside from this YouTube clip, but be sure to check out their individual websites as well as some other beautiful videos here.


~Karen Michelle Bayard~ said...

Dear Amanda...we have our very own hang drum & clarinet duo in a sweet place that you once called home....check out this clip of Scotti & Ben! I heard them at a local coffee shop last summer. I look forward to catching cool music, movies, tea and cakes & of course dancing with you in the US and/ or in the EU (KB hip slang for Europe). ;)

~Karen Michelle Bayard~ said...

Um...yeah...scroll down to the 5th entry!

What am I Saying?