Yeah, so I often go on and on here about creating a community and making friends and I get myself all inspired. Then I curl up in bed with a book and am not to be seen for days. Yesterday, however, I walked the walk and went out to celebrate a friends birthday. It was my favorite kind of gathering, starting off quietly around the grill and slowly building with energy throughout the night, moving back indoors for a dance party then reconvening in the garden for a sing-a-long. At about 1:00 a.m. Luis (birthday boy, pictured above) decided that it was time to take the party public and we ended up in a bar in the old city.

Can I tell you all a little story? It's about the music. And Germans. And what is apparently cool. It has been my experience so far that a successfulness of a night out dancing is directly related to the number of songs everyone can sing along to. No, scratch that. Jump, thrash and shout along to. Which means: all the greatest hits of yesterday and today.... Top 40 stations are something I avoid like the plague, so in the name of dance, I have had to adjust my preferences a bit since moving here. What exactly does adjust mean here? Let's just say I was glad there were no hidden cameras to document me enthusiastically joining in with the jumping and singing to this and this. Also, to play right into the hand of German stereotypes, there was a very excited response to this one.

Geburtstag ~ birthday
feiern ~ to celebrate
tanzen ~ to dance
peinlich ~ embarrassing, awkward, uncomfortable
schrecklich ~ awful, dreadful, terrible
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