Already defaulting

Liebe Anne, my roommate, has her bedroom stationed directly next to the door to the apartment. She keeps her door nearly always open a crack so, as you're leaving, she can pounce and ask, "Wo gehst du hin?" She likes keeping tabs on everyone's whereabouts. So I shouldn't have been surprised yesterday as I was about to leave for the grocery store and Anne not only asked what I was up to, but produced this clip board to sign out. In this way we can know at all times where the other roomies are. I humored her, signed out, and laughed it off. Then I returned this afternoon and saw on the list: WHERE IS AMANDA?!? I am thinking this is about 65% joke and 35% serious. Hmm.

Wo gehst du hin?  Where are you going?
überrascht  surprised
Witz  joke


~Karen Michelle Bayard~ said...

Madness...s/o's got to talk to that girl...does she speak ghetto?

Who's B? said...

ghetto would scare the bejebes out of her.

What am I Saying?