What would I do without her?

This photo is from just over a year ago at the Beehive Tea Room and was the last outing my mom, sister and I had before my big move.

What is Mothers Day in the U.S. is Mother's Day here.  Finally, a non-religious holiday these two countries have in common.

The question stands, what would I do without my mom?  I am certainly in no rush to find that out.  While I loved my mom growing up, I never understood her, or got her, or even felt truly connected to her.  Thankfully that has shifted as I have gotten older and she is now the most important person in my life.  I do not put that lightly.  I appreciate all that we have been through to get to where we are.  I love that we have vastly different philosophies on life and can appreciate each others differences and go on loving and supporting each other.  She is always there for me and is honest with me when there is something that she doesn't agree with.  And I know I can talk to her about whatever is up for me.  She has helped me through a lot.  And while it is obvious to say that I wouldn't be here today if it were not for her, I will say it anyway.  Beyond my physical body, I wouldn't be HERE today.  It is her example of strength, hard work, determination and love that have helped me along the way.  And despite all our differences I can see the ways in which I am so much like her.  Sometimes that scares me because what child doesn't want to be their "own person"?  But much more often it joys me and I love those parts of myself.  I see what an incredible, loving person my mom is and I can only hope to one day be as good a mother as she is.

Happy Mother's Day, mom!  

I will leave you with this, a poem written by my student, a nine year old German girl, for her mom.  Guess which line is my favorite.
M   is for the marvelous meals
O    is for the outrageous laughter 
T    is for the time she spends with me
H   is for the hugs she gives
E    is for the enormous brain she has
R   is for the right way she always goes

Together that is Mother, a word that means the world to me.

1 comment:

Uzumaki4U said...

Mother, the best gift of god.

What am I Saying?