be do have

A mantra I constantly return to. One forgotten then remembered over and again. In the times I feel most removed and unbalanced it is this mantra that brings me back to center and rights me on my path. It has a lot of power in its simplicity. I think it is fair to say, however, that people often operate with these same words in mind, though in the opposite order. That is to say, if they have _________ then they can finally do _____________. What naturally follows, of course (!), is that they will finally be _________. But when I take a moment to pause be all the things I want to see in the world there is energy suddenly freed from worry and fret.  I am able to do and create more easefully then, much more naturally, I realize I have all I could want.

I love that it is this mantra that I came back to today, after weeks of imbalance, only to open a monthly newsletter from a friend with the heading, "Just Be It."  I laughed out loud and smiled at how perfectly, well, perfect things happen sometimes and was reminded that when I am centered I will always be exactly where I am supposed to be.  When I stop and ask myself what I want or need, I always thrive when I listen to the answer that comes from my gut.  I translate that over to not just career or relationship choices, but also to how and what I want to design or create next, what to put in my stomach, or where my bed should be in my room.  It is all connected.  And that grounded-ness allows me to create, love, and share in bigger and better ways than before.  It's more grounded, authentic, organic and loved.  Because in the end it's all about spreading the goodness and warmth around.  Whether it be through objects that I create or simply my knowledge, sharing is what creates the most comfort and joy in my life.

1 comment:

~Karen Michelle Bayard~ said...

~ Be Do Have ~ Thank you for this reminder.

What am I Saying?