Ahhh.  Valentines day approached and I find myself wanting to spend my free moments slaving away in the kitchen.  Wearing, of course, one of these beauties.  I am addicted.  I began a decent apron collection before my big move.  Parting with them, however, was a part of the great purge.  Saying goodbye is never easy.  As I have yet to get a cute apron here, I think I will blame that for the fact that I never bake anymore.  Though it actually has much more to do with motivation and inspiration.

I am very excited though.  My sister knows me quite well and gave me this great book for Christmas this year:

With lots of ideas and patterns. My lazy bum will not be seeking out a sewing machine any time soon. It will however, sit itself down and admire all the cuteness that lay in the pages.  And of course dream of the day I own a sewing machine once again.  Thanks Lynz!

Where I found the fabulous aprons pictured above:
1. Palola  2. Ruby Goose Boutique  3. Boojiboo  4. Sassy Apron  5. momo's  6. The Way We Wear  7. 8. Made4You  9. AnniKae

~There are three more days left for the giveaway.  Scroll down or go here to enter.~

Todays GiST List


Chelsee said...

Allie has one of those cute aprons from your collection. I had a great time learning how to make cookies and other desserts with you. When I see you again, I would love to spend some more time doing that.

Who's B? said...

Yes, and if I remember our baking afternoon correctly, I believe I required you to wear an apron. That was certainly fun and I look forward to doing it again someday.

Anonymous said...

No pizelles(spelling wrong) at Christmas. One of the 1st things we'll do you come back to SLC is bake up a huge batch.


Who's B? said...


Yes please.


~Karen Michelle Bayard~ said...

(enter kb singing) "Mr Postman look & see is there a letter in your bag for me?" (kb shakes, shimmies & wanders off stage)

~Karen Michelle Bayard~ said...

(enter kb singing) "Mr Postman look & see is there a letter in your bag for me?" (kb shakes, shimmies & wanders off stage)

What am I Saying?