KMB Collaborative

Last fall I sat down with my friend Karen Bayard and unexpectedly began a creative venture designing four (!) websites for her. Can I just say I LOVE working with this woman. She is creative, playful, and clear about what she wants. We had a blast meeting each week over Skype to talk about progress, though, admittedly, we spent a good chunk of the time gossiping. I worked on her blog, comedy site, foodie and movement site, and another site that was (smartly, I think) put aside to focus on the other endeavors.

Karen has now returned from New York after a training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. This girl makes food that is vibrant, exciting, fun, and healthy. And she teaches classes all around the Salt Lake valley and Park City. And why am I telling you all this? Because she has some awesome classes coming up soon that you should check out as I am quite jealous I cannot. Tomorrow, Saturday, she is offering a Vibrant Cooking class for just $20 and a little feast afterwards. Then, February 6th, a couples only ice cream party in celebration of Valentines Day. That's right, I said it, ice cream. She has some standards like vanilla and mint, but also includes intriguing flavors like Blueberry Lavender and Plum Ginger. Oh. My. God. Are you kidding me? Yum. So, for more information about these events pay a visit to Sprout & Rhythm. This woman is genius and I am all about supporting her and her business taking off.

Aside from foodie pursuits she is super funny, I always have a laugh when she is around.  And she is commited to living a balanced and well thought life, and she is generous and loving in the way that she shares all she learns.  I feel lucky to have worked with her creatively and love that we still collaborate occasionally.  

Have a browse around her sites and, if inspired, pass it along.

1 comment:

~Karen Michelle Bayard~ said...

Thank you Amanda! I have enjoyed co-creating with you as well. I am looking forward to having foodie play days. "Cheffing" it up, taking awesome food photos and eating! Exciting!

What am I Saying?