Grace in Small Things 1/365

Much of this week was spent in bed recovering from various nastiness. I took the opportunity of time, however, and started reaching out and actively promoting myself a bit more which led me to Schmutzie, creator of an online community, The Grace in Small Things. The goal: share five bits of grace daily.  Why?  I believe there are far less productive ways to spend your time and use your energy. And I could use a bit of optimism in my life.

I will start posting here, though in the future I will likely post only on the GIST site. If you want to take the pledge of grace, visit and sign up. So, here goes day one.

1. The excitement of something new.

2. A clean house after weeks of illness.

3. Sunshine, tshirts, and an open window.

4. Making a pretty mix cd.

5. Having the chance to talk to my mom over thousands of miles.

1 comment:

Kris said...

Hi Amanda :)

Beautiful project! I stole the idea of a "Grace Journal" about 6 months ago, and I must admit that when I am daily engaged with it (and the little things I need to notice to fill it), my living attitude gets a whole lot more expansive and magical. . . . Have fun with it :)

In Joy,

What am I Saying?