1. My subconscious reacting when my conscious refuses.
2. Sunshine in January.
3. The arrival of an expected package.
4. Lots and lots of water.
5. The inner reassurance that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
1. A bank that is open on a Saturday.
2. A flood of new creative ideas.
3. Giving my body and soul love.
4. Reading quietly at the breakfast table.
5. Trying out a new recipe.
Visit Grace in Small Things
Grace in Small Things 5/365
1. A colorful blog revamp.
2. Finally cluing in to a concept I have been trying to learn for months.
3. The smell of fresh flowers in my room.
4. Getting out of bed on time.
5. Sitting this afternoon and feeling like I was home.
2. Finally cluing in to a concept I have been trying to learn for months.
3. The smell of fresh flowers in my room.
4. Getting out of bed on time.
5. Sitting this afternoon and feeling like I was home.
Who's behind the camera?
I "recently" recieved this question from a fellow W.E. partipant. I say that because it has been a month and I am just now answering.
While I have sent a personal response I thought I would also post here because I have gotten this question before, so I will probably get it again. I expected that this, and questions like it, would arise.
... I became very uncomfortable with *other* people's art on my blog--it felt extremely awkward to me. Would you mind if I tried to find and take my own photos for the W.E. answers??? Let me know, if you can, because I don't want to step on your toes or insult your vision.
While I have sent a personal response I thought I would also post here because I have gotten this question before, so I will probably get it again. I expected that this, and questions like it, would arise.
I answer by highlighting one of the things I love most about the project: Letting Go. No matter how clearly we form our thoughts, our words, there will always be some different meaning derived, large or small, as it is filtered through another persons experience. I am challenged each week as I search for a photo that clearly speaks to me what I am wanting to portray. I usually find something that has an element, an energy about it that fits. And it is most often very far from what I thought I would find. The challenge then is to let it go and let others interpret it as they will. Because they will. Even when I do find the"perfect photo" I get comments about how the reader totally gets it because (insert interpretation here). And they are usually completely off. Nowhere near my intention. And what I have realized in these moments is that it doesn't matter if they "get it" or not. Not really. The person has found value in what I have had to say, even if it wasn't my intented value. They have heard what they needed. And it is this kind of sharing that interests me. The photo's make me think. The one's I choose make me think. As the week goes on I continue to see more and more layers of both my photo and those of the others.
This is what I love, too, about visiting all the other answers. I feel like I get a glance into someone else's life without being spoon-fed it's meaning. And I get something out of it by learning, not just about them, but also about myself.
So, where is my answer in all of that? I invite you to use other peoples photos and practice the art of letting go. It's not easy and I think that is why I like it. I feel like it is an interesting practice and even more interesting topic for discussion. (Any takers?)
So, where is my answer in all of that? I invite you to use other peoples photos and practice the art of letting go. It's not easy and I think that is why I like it. I feel like it is an interesting practice and even more interesting topic for discussion. (Any takers?)
With all that said, I am also not at all interested in policing this project and would hope you would participate in a way that feels authentic to you. At the end of the day I just love that people play along.
Come back tomorrow for the next topic and if you like this project please spread the word.
1. Tulips, pussy willows, and other signs of an approaching spring at the midweek market on the Domplatz.
2. Brown butter sage gnocchi.
3. Speaking without strain.
4. Conversation at the table.
5. Teddy
2. Brown butter sage gnocchi.
3. Speaking without strain.
4. Conversation at the table.
5. Teddy
Grace in Small Things 3/365
1. Art hour with a three year old.
2. Listening to my student read a book then describing it back to me.
3. A roommate who inspired laughter.
4. The Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! podcast from NPR.
5. One week of a new president.
2. Listening to my student read a book then describing it back to me.
3. A roommate who inspired laughter.
4. The Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! podcast from NPR.
5. One week of a new president.
Going Bust
See that over there? That is my gift to myself. I found a great deal on Ebay last week and I cannot wait to get it. I am already quite critical of any work I do. I often start and restart a project multiple times before deciding it is okay to leave. So with the opening of my Etsy shop I feel more of a pressure (however self imposed) to get stuff created and out there. That means, though, that I have to photograph the stuff which adds another unwanted layer of stress. I like presenting my stuff on a live person, but I have been acting as both photographer and model which is not my most favored situation. Plus, the natural light always seems to show up in those moments that I am having a lazy and not pretty day. By the time I find the motivation to shower and primp the sun disappears. Damn Germany and the gray skies. So, it is my thought, and hope, that this pretty little bust will allow me to snap shots at any angle I want, while wearing my ratty pjs, and will look lovely in my room while not used as a prop. Fingers crossed anyhow.
Grace in Small Things 2/365
1. Finding that much needed telephone number.
2. Prunes
3. The smile that eventually came after the argument.
4. Stack of clean clothes for the week.
5. The sounds outside my window of a quieting evening.
Grace in Small Things
2. Prunes
3. The smile that eventually came after the argument.
4. Stack of clean clothes for the week.
5. The sounds outside my window of a quieting evening.
Grace in Small Things
Grace in Small Things 1/365
Much of this week was spent in bed recovering from various nastiness. I took the opportunity of time, however, and started reaching out and actively promoting myself a bit more which led me to Schmutzie, creator of an online community, The Grace in Small Things. The goal: share five bits of grace daily. Why? I believe there are far less productive ways to spend your time and use your energy. And I could use a bit of optimism in my life.
I will start posting here, though in the future I will likely post only on the GIST site. If you want to take the pledge of grace, visit and sign up. So, here goes day one.
1. The excitement of something new.
2. A clean house after weeks of illness.
3. Sunshine, tshirts, and an open window.
4. Making a pretty mix cd.
5. Having the chance to talk to my mom over thousands of miles.
KMB Collaborative
Last fall I sat down with my friend Karen Bayard and unexpectedly began a creative venture designing four (!) websites for her. Can I just say I LOVE working with this woman. She is creative, playful, and clear about what she wants. We had a blast meeting each week over Skype to talk about progress, though, admittedly, we spent a good chunk of the time gossiping. I worked on her blog, comedy site, foodie and movement site, and another site that was (smartly, I think) put aside to focus on the other endeavors.

Karen has now returned from New York after a training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. This girl makes food that is vibrant, exciting, fun, and healthy. And she teaches classes all around the Salt Lake valley and Park City. And why am I telling you all this? Because she has some awesome classes coming up soon that you should check out as I am quite jealous I cannot. Tomorrow, Saturday, she is offering a Vibrant Cooking class for just $20 and a little feast afterwards. Then, February 6th, a couples only ice cream party in celebration of Valentines Day. That's right, I said it, ice cream. She has some standards like vanilla and mint, but also includes intriguing flavors like Blueberry Lavender and Plum Ginger. Oh. My. God. Are you kidding me? Yum. So, for more information about these events pay a visit to Sprout & Rhythm. This woman is genius and I am all about supporting her and her business taking off.

Aside from foodie pursuits she is super funny, I always have a laugh when she is around. And she is commited to living a balanced and well thought life, and she is generous and loving in the way that she shares all she learns. I feel lucky to have worked with her creatively and love that we still collaborate occasionally.
Have a browse around her sites and, if inspired, pass it along.
We have a winner
Thank you everyone who commented and entered the contest. The time has come and I have drawn a winner.....drumroll please.........

...........Marigold! Congratulations. I will soon be sending you an email to see where to ship these off to.
Thank you also for those of you that made suggestions. I will be working on these and others and posting them for sale very soon in my shop so keep your eyes peeled.
I hope to do this again very soon.
...........Marigold! Congratulations. I will soon be sending you an email to see where to ship these off to.
Thank you also for those of you that made suggestions. I will be working on these and others and posting them for sale very soon in my shop so keep your eyes peeled.
I hope to do this again very soon.
Some new ruffle-y goodness

Getting inspired by upcoming Valentines day and softening things up a bit. I just listed these and a few others in the shop. Be sure to check them out. As soon as I have a chance to take photos I will be posting more.

Product Preview Giveaway

After my last little giveway was so much fun, I swore that it would be something I would do regularly. Well here it is, over four months later, and I am finally doing another. So excited.
In December I got a flat tire on my bicycle. In this city, that sucks. And I suddenly had a useless inner tube on my hands. What was I to do? Create of course. I got inspired and came up with, drumroll please, these beautiful earrings....
...I LOVE them. I love the unexpected material they are made out of. Plus that they can be a little rock'n'roll or a little elegant. What was intended as a geeky project just for me became quickly popular with people I showed them to. So, despite the fact that my shop is a crochet shop, I have decided to start offering these as well. (I got another flat tire, so I am at supply surplus at the moment).
Do you want a pair? I really hope so because I am offering up a pair of these earrings to one lucky person before putting them in my shop. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and that counts as your entry. On Thursday, Jan 22 at 12:00 MST I will post the winner. Please, please, tell me what you think and what other variations you might like to see (I have a few other designs in the work). Happy commenting.
(Click on photo to enlarge)
WE: What are you holding out for?
Walking on Water
There are many reasons that I love this cityOne of the greatest being that no matter the weather or time of year, people find something flock to and celebrate. During the holidays there were the Christmas Markets strewn about the city. Hot Glühwein and Cacao, bratwurst, and brezel to warm the body, hundreds of people out late talking and walking arm in arm, and lots of great stalls selling local honey, mead, candles and crafts. They were such a great escape for the month and a half they were open, really helping make winter enjoyable in all its dreariness. Oh yum...til next year. Both R and I pondered what was going to happen after the Christmas Markets closed. What would people we do with themselves ourselves?!?! Well, we needn't worry because just after returning home from our break the Aasee froze. Awesome.

I have certainly gone ice skating on man made rinks before, but never on a frozen lake (!). My first time stepping out on the ice was with Justin while he was visiting. Both of us more jumpy than we needed to be. Stepping cautiously out and giving each other nervous side glances every so often. Not wanting to think of what would happen if one of us suddenly fell in. I only doggy paddle...in the best of circumstances. But the ice was thick and not budging. That day it was still newly frozen so you could see through the thickness of it to the water which was rather amazing.

Last weekend R and I spent an hour or two with hundreds of other Münsteraners ON the lake. While others strolled, played hockey, skated or pulled their children on wooden sleds, we tossed a frisbee. It was a good time and just warm enough for it to be enjoyable. Mostly I loved looking around and seeing so many people around. It is so nice to see people, a lot of people, allowing themselves moments of enjoyment. People seem to really get out and get together more often here. All it took was a frozen lake to get the party started. Oh yeah.

I have certainly gone ice skating on man made rinks before, but never on a frozen lake (!). My first time stepping out on the ice was with Justin while he was visiting. Both of us more jumpy than we needed to be. Stepping cautiously out and giving each other nervous side glances every so often. Not wanting to think of what would happen if one of us suddenly fell in. I only doggy paddle...in the best of circumstances. But the ice was thick and not budging. That day it was still newly frozen so you could see through the thickness of it to the water which was rather amazing.

Last weekend R and I spent an hour or two with hundreds of other Münsteraners ON the lake. While others strolled, played hockey, skated or pulled their children on wooden sleds, we tossed a frisbee. It was a good time and just warm enough for it to be enjoyable. Mostly I loved looking around and seeing so many people around. It is so nice to see people, a lot of people, allowing themselves moments of enjoyment. People seem to really get out and get together more often here. All it took was a frozen lake to get the party started. Oh yeah.

All frosted and majestic
Pulling some strings

I cannot list a favorite thing that I did over my holiday, aside, of course, from being able to see my mom and brother. But here is one highlight.
Christmas evening we walked up the hill to the Festung Hohensalzurg, one of the largest medieval castles in Europe. Unfortunately we allowed ourselves just an hour to explore before having to go to dinner. The fortress was quite amazing including a small church, market square, stables...all the workings of a small town.

Holiday Cheer

So, it's January 2nd is it? How exactly did that come about again? I have been so excited to see my family that I simply forgot a new year was approaching. Suddenly the holidays were just happening without my permission.
After about twenty-six hours of delayed flights my mom and brother made it to Salzburg, not, of course, without an impromptu sleepover in New York and a detour through Madrid. I have much to tell about my week spent down south but my absolute highlight was seeing my mom and brother standing at the doors of the train as it pulled up. A mixed rush of relief and joy overcame me as I raced down the platform to greet them and pommel them with hugs. A vacation is nice. Spending it with people you love is even better. Thank you mom, Justin, and Ryan for making this holiday season pretty much ROCK. I will post pictures and stories later. For now, my brother is still in town for two more days so I am off to hang with him.
I hope you all had a wonderful and safe New Year.
WE: What inspires laughter in you?
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