I had a wonderful visit last weekend from my old roommate, Eva, who now lives in Berlin. We had a great time walking through this beautiful city, drinking coffee, eating cake, and making delicious food. As we walked through the market on the Domplatz we saw a big crate of pumpkins just asking for a carving. The next morning I shared the tradition of scraping out all the gooey stringiness and stabbing the crap out of a pumpkin. Eva was thouroughly entertained. Me being her only American friend, I was her only glimpse into silly customs. Ahh, it's great to be a sort of ambassador.

Sticking with pumpkin, I introduced my favorite cookies to my German kids. I was prepared to go home with the entire batch thinking they wouldn't be well received. But I actually had to physically restrain the teen from devouring my fair share. I hooked M by telling her what a wonderful and special tradition making these cookies was for me and my mom. Spinning a magical tale before we even got started she was able to stick with it even after seeing the can of unappetizing looking pumpkin plop in the bowl. As many of you know, I love baking. Spinning the magical tale was not so much of a stretch for me seeing as baking often feels quite magical.
so .. these 'favorite cookies' .. is there a recipe?!
so glad i found your blog..i found it by a google alert on where my etsy shop was mentioned elsewhere on the web. cool, huh?
You better not share the recipe... it's a family secret!
Amanda... I want to celebrate my Halloween birthday with you! We could put candles on the pumpkin cookies, make wishes, blow them out and eat 'em! Hooorraaay!
I love your blog! I often feel like I am on a tour when I read your posts. Thank you.
Now I am in search of one delicious cupcake (my fave type of dessert) to celebrate my b-day!
Thanks for the suggestion. As my brother mentioned, the recipe is a bit of a family secret and, truth be told, I don't have it here with me. Though I think I will post a variation here after I make another batch with my roomies this weekend!
I am constantly showing pictures from last years rebirthing/Halloween party. It had such a rockin' time!
Love to you and happiest of birthdays to you...
I also haven't been around muchn lately. So much to do, and so little time. It is nice to hear what you are up to though. I miss you. I made those chocolate and powder sugar cookies for a party yestaerday. They turned out quite well if I may say so myself. :)
Amanda, those cookies look scrumptious. And the house is lovely. How airy looking and spacious!
Amanda, I just found your blog through a W.E. link; and I must say that your spirit is an inspiration for freedom, adventure, love, enthusiasm, and just plain Beauty of the Soul! I really like your W.E. idea, but since I am so new to blogging, I don't know how to link stuff or find flicker yet. However, I will remember your W.E. effort and eventually, I will participate. Keep on your Journey girl, for you are a soul that shines in the dance of her life!
Most Sincerely,
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