The city of Enschede is rather dirty and I have jokingly have dubbed it Münster's Tijuana. It is only an hour, maybe, on the regional line and just one or two stops after the border. Many people will travel there just for the cheaper shopping. Really, it's the shopping they go for. *winks* Our travel buddies are quite the little hippies so the visit would not have been complete without a visit to the coffee shop. I felt silly snapping photos in there so the above photo is the only one you're going to get. It was a rather funny experience. Show your ID at the door, go up to the counter, check out the menu (yes, menu) and order your pot from a friendly local. This man, aside from pot dealer, was the neighborhood economist as well and I enjoying listening him rant to the Canadians about the American dollar and how the stupid Americans have brought it all on themselves. He he he. I love being an observer. I also learned yesterday that pot is actually illegal in the Netherlands but never enforced. Hmmm... additionally, the corner shop sold fresh mushrooms. But if you want a beer in Holland? Forget about it....much harder to come by than in Germany. Seems as though I chose the right country to live in.
Oh, and the movie? It was fantastic. You already knew that though, didn't you? It was dark, well written, and smartly cast (hooray for Maggie Gyllenhaal replacing Katie Holmes). I loved that we had reserved seating so there wasn't a worry about getting there early and saving seats. We were able to thoroughly enjoy the arcade until it was just time to start. There was an intermission (!) which I also loved. I would absolutely make the trip again for a movie.
The above is a little cheesy shot....OMG! It's so exciting to ride a TRAIN! We returned quite late and we were greeted by a wall of rain. Too tired to wait it out, I chose to bike home and was drenched.
Cool to travel to another city JUST for a flick!
That is AWESOME! I have travelled to another county just for a movie that was playing only there. But never to an entirely different countRy!!! What a fun adventure. Love it!
This little trip sounded so fun! I'm glad you got to see Batman, Batman.
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