This little town decided to have a little more excitement the last few days. Monday night I went asleep to the sound of helicopters buzzing above my head. Being tired I didn't think much of it and it in fact felt a little soothing, reminding me my days in the avenues with Lifeflight constantly going back and forth. In the morning it clicked how unusual this was, especially for Münster. After a picnic in the park I started to really wonder because the choppers were still there. Just sitting there. Two of them hovering, occasionally making rounds, over the city center. So, today, I finally did some research.

In December or so there was a bloody gang war in Ibbenbüren (very small town outside Münster). And we are not talking about some punk ass teenage kids who think it's cool to stir up trouble, we are talking about full grown, facial hair, leather clad men riding around on their Harley's thinking it's cool to stir up trouble. As far as I can gather the trial was held here in Münster on Tuesday meaning we were flooded with members of both Hell's Angels and the Bandidos in addition to 1000 or so police. Funny, aside from the helicopters I didn't even notice. Ryan lives just around the corner from the hearings and he noticed nothing. Still, a fun story. Right?

(all photos from Westfälische Nachrichten)
And you'd always been lead to beleive how dangerous Rose Park is.
Or maybe you just didn't notice because EVERYBODY from Rose Park is in a gang and/or has been shot...several times.
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