These may or may not be related, but you should know anyhow.
1. See the photo above? This is my new city. Wow.
And they just happen to offer this service to women (from the website):
Ladies’ night taxi:
Bus drivers can order the ladies' night taxi for female passengers aged 14 years and above, who wish to travel home in the evenings by taxi after completing their bus journeys. The "Stadtwerke“ cover the costs of the taxi’s outward journey. This service is available from April to September from 8 pm and from October to March from 6 pm.
2. Euro 2008 kicks off tonight for all you football fans. Read about it also here.
3. For those of you that miss me and just want to hear my voice *smirks and giggles to self* then you should, if you don't already, get Skype. It is a way to make calls FREE over the internet. That's right, I said free. Even internationally. Even if you don't want to talk with me you surely have someone faraway you would like to keep in touch with. Check out their site for more.
4. I got a bank to put money in so it would be a little less accessible than my wallet. Today I went to retrieve a bit of that money and it isn't accessible at all. I can't get the damn thing open. Hmph.
OMG! What's up with the bank? Coolness with the taxi service. Gorgeous pic! I HAVE SKYPE! I LOVE IT! Hope all you readers get it too. It ROCKS!
(Skype: inspirapaka)
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