The last few days here have been humid and hazy. The light is strange making for some eerie moments. Last night, however, while at the big festival, Ryan and I noticed that the clouds were suddenly going to break and that our window for getting home dryly was small. We ran back to his place where I grabbed my rain jacket and bike then I raced home making it in the door in just the nick of time. My door closed and the clouds opened. This was one HUGE dump. Sitting on my bed I enjoyed the light show for at least half an hour...the sky was a strobe and the street temporarily became a river. What was the most amusing, however, was that whenever there was a slightly quiet moment I would hear music coming from the stages in the city center and the people cheering. I couldn't believe they were out in the middle of it.
Around one a.m. the doorbell rang and it was a neighbor wanting to go down and check out the basement where each flat has a storage unit. It was flooded. Of course, while everyone else was muttering, "Scheisse, scheisse," I was down there taking pictures and enjoying the spectacle. Sleep didn't come until hours later after the excitement and worry wore off. The whole neighborhood was out and about. Today I realized that my sleeping bag was down there and had been underwater all night and I got worried about it, but it ended up being fine. Johanna and Alvaro were, I am afraid, not so lucky. We spent part of the day draining the basement, clearing things out and chucking things to the curb along with the rest of the neighborhood. Mmmm...wet soggy cardboard.
1 comment:
nice work with iMovie!
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