I have always loved taking photos and am just now deciding that I would like to play more with photography. Of course, that never looks like taking a real class but going out and playing around, intuitively finding what I like and works, and what doesn't. I recently purchased a Diana+ camera which I am totally excited about. A reproduction of a classic plastic toy camera from the 60's, it takes beautifully unexpected photos. I have taken three rolls of film but haven't got them developed yet. I will surely share when I do.

These photos are all from the first roll of film I took with Justin's 35mm SLR. I am considering buying it so took it out on a test run at Project 337, around the city, and indoors with Gabe. Because I know little about the technical aspects of photography they were all taken with the automatic settings on the camera. I would really love to learn more and play with it. The shots are grainy, something I am not used to with digital shots. I sdon't know if it is because I got it developed at Walgreens, the speed of the film, or what. Maybe if they were printed they wouldn't be grainy. I do think that I know how to set up a shot relatively well. So what do you think? Should I get the camera? If you have an opinion on the matter let me know by commenting.

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