Out of the apartment, in the mom's house.
Sold car, riding bus.
No more hangers, just a suitcase.
The journey has already started.
The First of Lasts......
Friday was my last official day with Gabe. It was far different than any other last day on the job I have experienced, naturally. It doesn't feel like work with him, just another extension of my life. In so many ways he feels like my own child.
Anticipating the end of the day was far more emotional than when it actually arrived. We spent some of the day packing up his belongings which I think was very good for him. It helps give him the idea that this day was different. It isn't everyday that we send off all his things. In the end, I don't know if he really got what was happening, but I am glad that I communicated with him and gave him a chance to understand. When the packing was done we went out for a celebratory ice cream.
This whole process has been, and continues to be a lesson in loving without attachment. Loving and letting go.
I have been very lucky to be in Gabe life for his first two years. I feel like I have taught and showed him a lot. Mostly about love, patience, creativity, and honesty. And he has taught me about those things in turn.
So, thank you little one, for being the best kind of friend I could have. It has been fun and adventurous and I will always have you in my heart.
BBL (Big Birthday Love)

Hooray for Megan!
This is a day to celebrate.
Thank you for your presence and love. Without which I believe I would be in an entirely different place. Your cheers and guidance have helped me find and live the life I love. When I think of you I see vibrance, play, Big love, and joy. I hope you have another 'Best Year Ever.'
Much Love,
A (B)
SLC Match
So....the big day is upon us. Allison finds out today that she is officially coming back to Salt Lake. At least everyone in the voting pool thinks that is how todays events are going to turn out.
Allie, I think you are going to be such a wonderful doctor (yeah, they're really going to let you be one). All the qualities that continually renew you as my NBFF are what proves it. Your big heart and thoughtfulness, your careful listening, and your genuineness. I LOVE you...oh my, it's true.
Good luck today. Know that I am with you celebrating.....
Haven't seen it?
You should. An amazing speech regardless of your politics or views. It needs to be said and he does it eloquently. Pass it on.
My Little Memoir
So I was challenged, invited, called out by Phoenix Touch to write a six word, or less, memoir.
The "rules"
1. Write your own six-word memoir.
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.
4. Tag five more blogs with links.
5. And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play. (This last step is optional.)

Facing fear, she takes flight.
There you have it. I am tagging Allie, Chelsee, and Kaeloy.
The "rules"
1. Write your own six-word memoir.
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.
4. Tag five more blogs with links.
5. And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play. (This last step is optional.)
There you have it. I am tagging Allie, Chelsee, and Kaeloy.
Song for You: Boss Hog
I am surprised that I feel so sane right now. I have been thinking about this day, losing sleep over this day, for weeks. The anticipation of letting go was more difficult than the actual process. What helped was that so many friends came and hung out with me throughout the day. In fact it was harder to see them leave than my favorite super comfy robe. I also love that so many of the ones I love have something of mine. Everything went to lovely homes.
Aside from friends I totally appreciated all the strangers who came to look through stuff. My old friend from high school was randomly there and a crazy lady paid me almost $10.00 is crusty, lint-y change. Gross. I also learned about a totally cool project that my market umbrella is getting worked in to.
I think that maybe it is time to stop worrying about the financial part of this trip. The universe seems to be showing me that I am going to be just fine. I sold my car, for the asking price, first thing this morning. Everything that didn't sell today fit in my car for one short trip to the DI.
Sitting in this messy apartment I don't feel like anything is missing. I, surprisingly, still feel at Home. Now just to make it look like more than a dump.....
New Cameras

I have always loved taking photos and am just now deciding that I would like to play more with photography. Of course, that never looks like taking a real class but going out and playing around, intuitively finding what I like and works, and what doesn't. I recently purchased a Diana+ camera which I am totally excited about. A reproduction of a classic plastic toy camera from the 60's, it takes beautifully unexpected photos. I have taken three rolls of film but haven't got them developed yet. I will surely share when I do.

These photos are all from the first roll of film I took with Justin's 35mm SLR. I am considering buying it so took it out on a test run at Project 337, around the city, and indoors with Gabe. Because I know little about the technical aspects of photography they were all taken with the automatic settings on the camera. I would really love to learn more and play with it. The shots are grainy, something I am not used to with digital shots. I sdon't know if it is because I got it developed at Walgreens, the speed of the film, or what. Maybe if they were printed they wouldn't be grainy. I do think that I know how to set up a shot relatively well. So what do you think? Should I get the camera? If you have an opinion on the matter let me know by commenting.

Scanned over
For Sale: Lady of the Night Jacket

Originally purchased for the ultimate JWD Dance-o-lette halloween performance. I loooove this jacket and cannot let it go to Pibs or the DI because I just must meet the next owner. Sound silly? Too bad. It is a black, faux fur jacket with suede trim and mini buckles at the wrist and waist. This jacket is so hot! Come try it on.
Oh, other cute and lovely clothes as well.
And women's shoes: size 6
Song for You: Jim Noir

This album has my heart. It's all sorts of pop quirky cool. Very dance-, hum- and tap-able. I rarely notice lyrics but I have to say that listening to them here elevates the album from fun to kitschtastic! Give it a try.....
Jim Noir Website
My Patch Video
Jim Noir MySpace
My Patch
Tower of Love
Jim Noir
When random rocks....
You may notice the Blogger bar across the top of this site. The one link that I will, at times, get distracted by next blog. I cannot help myself. While it is usually more miss than hit these are a few of the random beauties I recently stumbled upon:
Real Normal
Ministry of Dick Van Dykes Accent
Nick Namena
Mandala Nomadess
Exomorph Integrations
Tiki Ranch
Museum of Happiness
Are they related?
Are they in English?
Occasionally nope.
Do I care?
Definitely nope.
Real Normal
Ministry of Dick Van Dykes Accent
Nick Namena
Mandala Nomadess
Exomorph Integrations
Tiki Ranch
Museum of Happiness
Are they related?
Are they in English?
Occasionally nope.
Do I care?
Definitely nope.
Why today is fantastic....
I woke up at 9:00....
...milled around
...sold stuff
...did laundry
...hung with Justin
...had brunch at Oasis
...took photos of Project 337
...sat in plush chairs in the Marriott lobby
...talked with a Chinese shop owner about travel
...played on the net
...simultaneously looked at the clock and out the window, realizing it is 6:00 and still beautiful daylight!
...milled around
...sold stuff
...did laundry
...hung with Justin
...had brunch at Oasis
...took photos of Project 337
...sat in plush chairs in the Marriott lobby
...talked with a Chinese shop owner about travel
...played on the net
...simultaneously looked at the clock and out the window, realizing it is 6:00 and still beautiful daylight!
Other Stuff
By the way, Ryan has a bunch of stuff for sale as well and he has posted it all here for your browsing pleasure.
For Sale: Jane Honda

1997 Honda Civic DX/Silver
106,000 Miles
Manual Transmission
This car has been wonderful. In eight years of owning it I have put only 50,000 miles on the car. While it is cosmetically imperfect with a few scrapes and stains, it runs great. I recently got a new muffler, CV joints, and tires so there is nothing to repair. In fact, these are the first things I have had to do to it since buying the car myself. It has been the easiest car to keep up. If you know of anyone looking for a reliable car, this is it. Spread the word.
Bumper Fun
For Sale: Coffee and Tea Time
For the love of company. You can host a midafternoon coffee or tea time in style. I have a few lovely cake stands that elevate even oreos to sophistication. The tea set has four small cups, a teapot and tray. Somehow having tea from the set transforms a little gathering into a beautiful event. This is a sampling of my tea and coffee accessories. I think most of hostessing a great gathering is in the presentation.
I Found Magic

Do you remember this little incident when the pirate visited my house with blue crayon in tow? Well, today he struck again in the kitchen all over my table, but I have found my magic weapon. Oh yeah. Not just WD40 but this handy little no mess pen. It is miraculous. Not only was I so excited for a solution I nearly peed myself, but was almost late to rehearsal because it is that fun to clean up a seemingly impossible mess. And there is another 300 possible uses for the thing. Laaaa...
For Sale: Expedit Bookcase

This bookcase is HAWT. It is an IKEA original. In perfect condition and a great black-brown finish. Makes a great room divider. Comes with all stabilizing hardware and intsructions.
Width: 58 5/8 "
Depth: 15 3/8 "
Height: 31 1/8 "
Max load/shelf: 29 lb
Packing List
Hey Krishna, did ya know?
For those of you that don't know we have a Krishna Temple not just in our wonderful state, but in the happiest of all valleys. In the middle of Spanish Fork farmland rises this structure, it comes as an unsuspecting surprise while driving down the lesser populated stretch of Main Street.
Last Saturday I went down there with my mom and Justin for Shivaratri, the night of Lord Shiva. The building itself is interesting enough but surrounding the grounds are llamas, two ponds, and a manmade lake with a waterfall. The giftshop has beautiful tapestries, statues, jewelry, and a large assortment of saris. A vegetarian feast was served although, just coming from dinner, I did not partake. Upstairs is the main hall, or whatever it is officially called. Where they pray or meditate and there is a large altar to Lord Krishna. But what I really loved was the dancing....surprise. Everything is so composed and expressive. Nothing is looked over. Facial expressions, rhythmic feet, intricate hands and very precisely placed torso. It was amazing to watch. I would love to take classes for the things they do with their hands alone. I can't get my video to upload but here is a sample of another performer here. A few pictures:
On March 29th is Holi, the festival of colors. And holy crap dude! I can think of no better way to celebrate spring than music, the burning of an effigy, and throwing powdered colors on everyone around me. Check out the link, it's gonna be awesome! An let me know if you are in.....I want to get as many people as possible out there.
For Sale: Jetsons Chair
The official sale is March 15th but I have alot of people asking/wondering what sorts of things I have. I really am getting rid of everything. But since the questions are flying I will post pictures of my more interesting items each day.
Today it is the "Jetsons" chair. Cute and squatty. I have covered it with very cute zebra-like striped fabric. It is only loosely covered, underneath is great pink nubby fabric.
Moving Sale

I realize that this sale is two weeks before I leave my apartment and a full month before I leave Salt Lake, but I am finding a great need to clear my mind. It feels easier to purge now rather than later. So.....that calls for a sale. Of course, I can't have just any yard sale. This will be super special-fancy. I gotta do it up the only way a B knows how. That means not just great stuff but yummy treats, music and chatting. Even if you don't want to buy anything please drop by and help me say farewell to all my belongings.
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