- Check {here} each Friday for the new topic/question.
- Type your answer into {Flickr's} search engine and choose a photo from the first page of results.
- Post your results as you choose: by linking to the photo in the comments of the current WE post, posting the photo on your blog, posting on our {facebook group page}, or by tweeting your answer #weekendexposure
- Let the imagery speak for itself. Please resist the temptation to provide commentary, explanation, justification, description.....NO WORDS!
- Always link back to the original photo page on Flickr. We don't want to infringe on anybody's rights, now do we?
- If you post your results on your blog I only ask that you let me know (so I can come check it out! :) ) and that you link back to me.
*Now accepting submissions for future topics. Email me your ideas here for consideration*