1. As previously mentioned I have been helping my friend Karen design four (!) websites. What this has looked like: weekly chats over Skype about her vision for the sites, designing then redesigning then redesigning still more each little element. Finding perfect color and image combinations to express a feeling. Learning then editing lines and lines of HTML. In addition to the design aspect has been the development of each of her businesses. Getting clear about the intention of what she is doing and where she hopes to take it. I LOVE this kind of work for the same reason I love hosting parties, planning menus and arranging furniture. The excitement for me comes in establishing a certain
energy and expressing that to a larger community. Certainly Karen's personal blog,
comedy site,
pet service site, and
food/movement site are targeted to and serve very different purposes. Please, please, please (yes, I am begging) go check them out. We have working for months and our work together is coming to a close. I feel very excited to share my creative work/our joint creative work with all of you.
2. I am learning German and quickly. I am still enjoying the course very much. Again, after months of isolating myself I am finally emerging from my cocoon and flitting around excitedly and gracefully in my new surroundings. I love meeting so many new people. I am often surrounded in class by atleast one of the three Brasilians. Where else do people come from? Tunisia, Russia, Vietnam, Bulgaria, Ireland (he's a boxer (: ), Morroco, Honduras..... all brought together by the common goal to learn. I was invited by fellow blogger Gypsy at Heart to share an audio file of me speaking. To that I say, "Vielleicht später. Jetzt habe ich noch viel zu lernen, aber mein duetsch mach Fortschritte. Danke für die Einladung." In other words...soon. Maybe.
3. I have found myself in an interesting and potentially difficult financial situation, although that seems to be true for more and more people as of late. I will say that my relationship with money has shifted even over the last year. In the past I would be completely distracted and consumed by the obstacle I have come upon. But I am finding it easier than ever to breath and relax. Finding creative and fun solutions to what is happening. Please stand by as one of those solutions will be revealed very soon. How very fun
4. Relating to both the language course and the money issue I learned something very exciting. At the end of the seven months I must take the level B2 test. Should I pass this test then nearly half the tuition I payed for the course will be refunded from the Bundesamt (State Department). The course is already quite cheap, but really this is extraordinary news and ever more incentive to study hard and learn. Additionally, if I pass this test I get a certificate which makes it much more possible to stay in Germany longer and to do more than just teach english. The first exam is next Wednesday which is for the first level. That's right. What they teach in one year in school we have done in 1 1/2 months!
5. The last point is another creative share. Some of you may remember when I had
this drawing and promised to design and make some coasters. Eventually I followed through and Sarah received them this week. I have been waiting to share until I got word that another package I had sent off as a surprised arrived to it's destination. I haven't heard yet although I am certain it will get there soon so I leave you with a few visuals of the fun things I have been creating. I hope I don't ruin the surprise of the other two items.

*Update* Since posting this I have taken a nap and cleared my mind a bit. I am reading and seeing my many typos and mistakes. Today I am choosing to leave them as I feel it accurately portrays the fact that my head is, as of late, buzzing and having difficulty focusing. I am looking forward to the weekend when I have a bit of free time to really do nothing.